ContextCapture User Guide

Tile selection

For a reconstruction using a tiling, tile selection may be needed for several operations in the workflow: to reset a set of tile, to produce a set of tiles, etc.

The tile selection area

Check or uncheck tiles to define the selection.

Select all/Unselect all tiles/Invert selection

Basic management of the selection.

Add tagged tiles to selection

If tags have been added to the reconstruction using the quality control interface, this command allows to use them to select tiles. See also Quality control.

Define selection from KML or DGN

For georeferenced reconstructions, the selection can be set from 2D polygons read from a KML or a DGN file. Any tile intersecting 2D polygons defined in the input file will be selected.

Select from 3D view

You can select tiles interactively in a 3D view.

Selection from 3D view dialog

Click on the model to select or deselect tiles. Use SHIFT or CTRL to perform multi-selection.

Click on OK to validate the selection.

For more information, see also Quality control | Selection of tiles.

Load/save selection

Tile selection may be loaded from / saved to a basic text format.

Example of tile selection text file:


If needed, tile selection files can easily be created with a third-party tool.